Paffy’s Pest Control


SE Minnesota

Western Wisconsin

Cockroach Exterminations

You usually know them when you see them. They vary in color from brown to black, they have wings but don’t fly, six legs—of course—and two antennae that hold personality. Different parts of the world hold varying opinions of cockroaches, but here in the US, most people are utterly disgusted by them. 

There are many types within the species, ranging from the American Cockroach to the German Cockroach. Paffy’s Pest Control treats them all!

While they are good for research because they breed rapidly and have other qualities worth studying, they aren’t good to live in human environments. They pose a threat to the quality of food, transmitting secretions that can cause sickness and food borne illness.

Where does Paffy’s treat for roaches?

Thankfully Paffy’s Pest Control has cockroach treatment options for both residential and commercial clients. Treatment pricing varies on square footage of the property. When a technician comes to the infested area, he will look around and assess where the problem areas are, where the nests, if any, are located. He will place a series of baits, traps—sticky or pheromone—and let you know of the traps. It is most helpful if someone is available to discuss where the activity spots are. The technicians will make note of any trigger spots and may advise accordingly.

It is important that all working parties, (i.e. tenants, owners, workers, etc.) are open to suggestion and that technicians mean no harm in telling you want needs to change in order to help the process of ridding roaches along.

How can I help keep roaches away?

Two good ways to ensure you don’t get roaches are to make sure your kitchens and bathrooms are of a relatively good quality of cleanliness and be careful when you purchase anything, especially second-hand, that comes in a cardboard box.

Keeping kitchens clean of crumbs and spills takes away a food source for cockroaches. Keeping dishes rinsed, washed, and put away, instead of piling out of the sink and spilling onto the counters, takes away another attraction of roaches to your home. Cockroaches enjoy nesting in cardboard boxes and other paper-products or light weight fabrics. Inspection of any unused boxes or materials sitting around your home may help notify you if you have cockroaches, or help the technicians know where to treat if you do have roaches.

What if they don’t go away?

For very difficult cases where there are hidden nests the technicians have a hard time finding, at times we will use an actisol treatment, which is more expensive, but it is a stronger attraction and a quicker insecticide. It is so strong, in fact, that every person and pet needs to vacate the premises for at least four hours. Again, this is for severe cases, and our regular treatment option typically does the trick.

How many treatments does it usually take to get rid of roaches?

Each treatment, whether it’s the more serious, more expensive treatment, or the general, yet still effective treatment, gets a built-in follow-up and a three-month guarantee. Each case is different, we have many cases that are solved within the first treatment, within the second treatment. We have other cases where some factors come into play and cooperation isn’t at a necessary level to rid the home or property of cockroaches in the first couple treatments. Whatever the case, we give one follow-up and a three-month warranty to all of our clients. If you have some concerns regarding these pests, consider asking about our quarterly service or our 3-Season Home Service Plan and be covered year-round for most insects and mice!

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