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4 Worst Pests to Have Around Your Pet

admin • Apr 16, 2020
Cat and Dog — Newport, MN — Paffy’s Pest Control

Many people in the Twin Cities have pets, as the area is close to two fun metropolitan areas and has lots of scenic outdoor spaces to explore. With the cold winters and humid summers, a range of pests appear and can be very dangerous for animals. Here are some common pests that may bother your pet and suggestions on prevention.

1. Rats and Mice

Many rodents carry disease, which can be fatal for any pet. Rats and mice carry especially dangerous diseases and often look for warm places to nest during the winter and spring. Not only do they leave feces in many unwanted places, but they will also contaminate any food that is not in a sealed container.

Another reason rats and mice can be detrimental is that many people use poisons to try and kill them. If your pet ingests any part of a rodent that has consumed poison, that poison can also harm your pet.

To prevent mice and other rodents, make sure all your food and ingredients are sealed in a hard container like glass or plastic. Don't leave pet food out, start a schedule to feed your animals, and clean up afterwards. If you do find animal droppings, thoroughly disinfect all surfaces and anything that the rodent may have encountered.

2. Fleas

Pets who are active outdoors often come into contact with fleas. Fleas are tiny bugs that make itchy bites on the animal. You don’t want your pet to have fleas because the pests can carry disease like typhus. Some pets can also have an allergy to fleas which can cause serious rash, swelling, or hair loss. Pets can carry fleas into the home, and they can infect your furniture and bedding.

To avoid fleas, use a regular flea medication on your animals. Even indoor animals can host fleas, as the owner may bring them inside. Rinse your pets off after a fun day of hiking to prevent any unwanted insects.

3. Ticks

Ticks are parasite that bury their heads into an animal's skin and suck their blood. They are usually found in thick wooded areas and can be especially abundant in humid areas. If you have a lot of foliage in your yard, ticks may even be present on your property. Pets can pass along the many illnesses ticks carry including Lyme disease.

Many flea medications also prevent ticks. Use these medicines regularly and on schedule. After a day out in the wilderness, do an exam of your pet, especially in hidden areas like armpits, and promptly remove any ticks you find. Keep your yard well-groomed so there is less chance for a stable tick environment. A quick rinse and rub down can also help you detect ticks that have latched onto your animals.

4. Mosquitos

Mosquitos are another insect that create red, itchy bites. They are very prevalent and obnoxious during the warm summer months. Mosquitos can carry a variety of disease to both humans and pets alike. Heartworm causes the most concern in pets.

You and your pet can use many preventative measures to limit contact with mosquitos. Avoid stagnant water when outside, as this can be a great breeding ground for mosquitos. Add plants known to repel mosquitos like citronella and marigolds around your deck and backyard. Many of the flea and tick preventative medications are also useful against mosquitos.

To try and keep mosquitos away, you should never use human bug repellent on any animal. Deet can make your animals very sick and even cause seizures. Most importantly, make sure you vaccinate you pets on time every year. These are the first and most effective weapons against illness to pets from outside sources.

If you are in the 7-County Metro Area and would like expert help with these, or any other pest problems, please contact us! We would love to help keep you and your pets happy and healthy.

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